Saturday, March 19, 2011

# 33


I haven't checked anything off of my 101 list in a long time so a few weekends ago I thought it was time. Trevor and I went to his parents property where he always goes to fish this afternoon. They have had the property for a couple of years and I had never been. It is so nice out there and so different than I thought it would be. It is a lot bigger than I thought too as well as in the middle of no where. This is the entry to Heritage Lakes.


There are a few people that actually live on the property and the houses are pretty nice.
Here is a picture of Trevor's parents actual land. It has a very pretty view but I don't think they will ever build on it.



They have two lots and one is for sale if anyone is interested. We took Stanford with us to swim for the first time this year. It took him a minute to get used to the water again and get his swimming legs back.



He is so much better than he used to be about listening. I don't even think we brought a leash for him. He was just running around everywhere. But he did stop and come to us when we asked him to. This is very unlike the years of him running from us as a game to him, which I know everyone can remember. We had such a relaxing day together before I started my working streak. I am so glad that I was able to go out there. On our way home we went by Panera and had lunch. I love that place.


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